How Are You Raising Your “Arrows”?

Warriors are strategic in their combat. Before shooting an arrow, they already have a target in mind.

We need this same mindset as parents when it comes to raising our children. The values and principles that we do and don’t instill in our children matter. As believers, our ultimate target in raising them is to love God and submit to His authority in their lives above their desires and the influence of culture.

Model to them how God’s word is authority in your personal life. Be prayerful. Be strategic. Be diligent. Raise them to know how to stand and combat anything that exalts itself above the knowledge of God.

Like warriors have enemies, don’t forget we have one too. He’s crafty, cunning, and deceitful and loves to magnify the need to fulfill our sinful desires above what God has said. Just ask Eve.

So I ask again, how are you raising your “arrows”? It should be focused on the target of fighting for God’s kingdom and living according to His word.
