My Homeschool Journey by Cori Culpepper

What an honor to shine this spotlight on a homeschool student who I have personally known for a few years and had the privilege of serving her as a ministry student leader! Her name is Cori Culpepper. She currently resides in Louisiana and is a member of an amazing homeschool family that has a deeply-rooted foundation in the Word of God. She actively serves with her local church, Life United - Shreveport and enjoys spending time with her friends and family. In this blog, Cori shares her personal story about homeschooling and how she transitioned from being a public school student to a homeschool student. It is necessary to know about the realities that come with homeschooling but more importantly it is vital to understand the benefits that are reaped in the long run. Here's Cori's story:

My Homeschool Journey

“There are multiple benefits and disadvantages of being a homeschooled student. One may enjoy the flexible scheduling that homeschool provides. While a student stays at home with his or her family members, the relationships grow and even have the potential to be challenged. There have been so many times when I have just reached the end of my patience. When I started homeschooling, there were six students in my household. On top of that, three others were living with us. To say things got hectic in my first year would be an understatement.

Eighth-grade year was when I began homeschooling. That year, I battled with internet issues, adjusting to a new learning environment and depression. The social life I had grown up with was shaken and church became my safe haven and a place of connections. The transition was a very slow process. My grades were poor, and so was my attitude. Going into my later teenage years was difficult emotionally and educational but I’m thankful I was no longer required to rush flights of stairs to get to classes.

I am now a junior homeschool high school student. Looking back, I don’t regret not attending a brick-and-mortar school because of what homeschool education offered me. There are less distractions (even though the remaining three siblings of mine tend to get rowdy at times). Having this shift in learning environments propelled my self-teaching habits and integrity forward. Not having someone looking over your shoulder all the time calls for extreme character - especially with the World Wide Web at your fingertips! Although I do not have homecoming nor attend sports games, I am still blessed with the privilege of prom and graduation (the highlights of high school).

It can be aggravating to juggle the responsibility of homeschooling life and all that God has called me to be, but what does not kill me can simply make me stronger! The struggle is real, but so is God!”

-Cori Culpepper


Cori, thank you for sharing your story. It is an encouragement to homeschool families. You blessed our readers & listeners!